ROUTE 1: Easy
Around El Pilar. Route 1: Easy
(2.5 Km / 40 Mins)
What to take: Water, camera during the Spring, map and directions
What to wear: Flat shoes, Trainers or boots, sun hat
Download route map: Here
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- From Albar turn left and follow road into village square then follow road to your left slightly uphill until you reach an era after 200 meters with views across the Almond groves.
- Follow road to Church then turn left until you reach main road after 300 meters
- Taking care and walking on the left side of the road to face on-coming traffic turn left on main road for 120 meters then take first track on your right
- Follow track for 300 meters until you reach a cross roads, third track on your left. Take left track uphill and follow for 500 meters until you reach a track on your right
- Take this track then after 150 meters take first track on your right and follow downhill for 600 meters ignoring tracks to left and right until you reach main road
- Turn right at main road and follow into El Pilar and reach Albar after 500 meters