
Casona Granado Address

Casona Granado
45 El Pilar
Barriada de Lubrin
04271 Spain

Car parking & directions

There is plenty of parking available close to the Casona. View parking map for details. We are easy to find with the following driving instructions from Murcia Airport or Alicante.

Meet Your Hosts

We are a family run restaurant and hotel working alongside a talented local team who have been receiving worldly guests since 2013. Our sense of pride contributes to the commitment and high standard of management and service we bring to Casona Granado.

The friendly interest and concern for wellbeing we extend to every visitor is an extension of our pride in our community and our desire to welcome you to it.

We are all multi-lingual, and we’re gifted with a range of hospitality and culinary skills suited to making you feel at home and ensuring that your stay is delightful in every way.
